Web Bio:

  • Established: 1999
  • Sites Hosted: 260,000+
  • Location: Jacksonville, FL
  • Host Award: "Most Features"
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  • Featured Package Price:$2.75
  • Storage Space:10 GB
  • Transfer/Bandwidth:Unmetered
  • Setup Fee:Free
  • Domain Name:1 Free
  • Money-Back Guarantee:Anytime
  • Uptime Guarantee:99.9%
  • Free Website Builder:Yes
  • Multiple Domains:Unlimited
  • E-mail Accounts:Unlimited
  • MySQL Databases:Unlimited
  • Control Panel:cPanel
  • Operating System:Linux
  • Server Backups:Daily
  • 24/7 Monitoring:Yes
  • Wordpress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PHPMyAdmin
  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
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Our Review of: Web



Web.com was rated a top web hosting provider on our list, because of their terrific prices, superior technical support and great reliability. Headquartered in Jacksonville, FL, Web.com is a global provider of online marketing solutions and internet services for small businesses. Web.com also has offices in Argentina, Canada and the United Kingdom, in total hiring over 500 employees.

Serving over 3 million customers since 1999, Web.com has the experience and know-how to manage a competent web hosting company.


  • Some of the lowest prices out there.
  • Many, many scripts available for free.
  • Great Internet backbone connections.


  • Too many addons available can increase monthly prices.

Features & Specials:

Web.com offers 3 starter hosting plans, practically guaranteed to suit almost any web site's needs. Both plans offer ample storage, unmetered bandwidth allowances and a miriad of features on each account. Their premium hosting plan offers the ability to host up to 10 websites on each account, free SSL Certificate and up to 40GB of storage.

As mentioned earlier, even though their hosting plans are low priced, doesn't mean they went light on features. Some notable's they offer on each account are, unlimited e-mail accounts, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited sub-domains, cPanel control panel, site stats and more. More technically inclined users will appreciate Web.com's abundant script library, PHP support, website builder, Dreamweaver support, e-commerce shopping cart software, ftp access and more.

  • Tons of scripts with each account.
  • Yahoo! and Google advertising credits on each account.
  • "Anytime" Money-Back Guarantee.

Reliability & Speed:

Web.com utilizes 2 excellent datacenters, located in Chicago, Illinois and boasts a 99.9% uptime guarantee. They can offer this unique guarantee, due in part to their unique load balancing technology, which helps ensure that even if your server goes down, your site will automatically be routed to a live server, to minimize any downtime.

A little unknown fact, their datacenters are connected to the same backbone as the majority of businesses in the downtown Chicago area, which goes to show you're going to have reliable connections! The fact that the connections are also Dual OC-48, also contribute to fast web site page load times.

Reliability & Speed Factors:

Uptime Guarantee
Server File Backups
Dual OC-48
24/7 Monitoring
Redundant Power
Summary: Utilizes high-performance datacenters near Chicago Ill, with the latest in load-balancing technology.


Web.com has all the resources available to offer top notch tech support. They offer free 24/7 toll-free phone support and e-mail support, with very short wait times for each, generally under 20 minutes for e-mail support. Chat support wait times are very short, with phone support being just a couple minutes, as tested. Their tech support agents are also quick at getting issues resolved quickly and efficiently, with as little delay as possible.

Web.com has complete US based tech support, located in Drums, Pennsylvania, that has won multiple awards for their focus on fast, friendly customer service and tech support.

They also offer online support tutorials and a unique online message forum community, for members to assist others and express any concerns on any arising hosting issues. All this gives them top marks in our customer/technical support ratings system.

Average Support Wait Times:

Chat Wait Time
9 seconds
Phone Wait Time
2 minutes

Control Panel:

Web.com uses an intuitive, user-friendly control panel for its web hosting services. The control panel provides a centralized dashboard for monitoring website performance and analytics. The control panel is based on the ever popular cPanel, the most widely used and namely easy-to-operate control panel software in the industry.

The Web.com hosting control panel provides a centralized dashboard for monitoring website performance and analytics. You can track website traffic, view server statistics, and gain insights into visitor behavior, empowering you to make data-driven decisions to improve your online presence. User-friendly interfaces make it easy for anyone to navigate through hosting settings, manage domains, set up email accounts, and perform other administrative tasks. This intuitive approach saves time and reduces the need for technical expertise.


What sets them apart?

"The Last Hosting Plan You'll Ever Need" - Just Host
Load balanced server reliability!
Super low prices and abundant account features.
Customer service, that excels at every level.


We think you will agree, that Web.com is a flat out great host, albeit with not quite as many free features included as some other hosting providers in the same price range. They still offer a number of outstanding features for the price and more can be added easily. For those looking to save as much money as possible, Web.com can be a great starter host for a business owners looking to save, but yet have a dependable web hosting presence.

Also, the fact that we rated their tech support very highly goes to show that they're also looking out for their customers, which is apparent with their very adequate support venues and short wait times. That said, be a believer yourself by checking them out today...


Web Ratings ChartScore: 88%

Value for Money
4 / 5
Reliability & Uptime
4 / 5
Customer Courtesy
5 / 5
Technical Support
4 / 5
5 / 5
Storage Space
4 / 5
4 / 5
Tech Response Time
4 / 5
Ease of Use
3 / 5
Server Speed
4 / 5
Visit Web

Web User Reviews

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Fast!!! Server

Review by: Bryant, from New York, NY
        I recommend this host

Fast server and cheap server

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Spam Email problem

Review by: Steve, from Seattle
        I don’t recommend this host

I came back from the Memorial day holiday and was faced with over 500 spam emails. I had been noticing that my spam emails had been increasing, but over 500 in three days - ridiculous!

When I called support, they told me that I was on a server where their "Spam assasin" program wasn't too effective (duh!). I asked what could be done and they told me that we needed to be migrated over to their "new" system. I asked what they suggested and they said to be patient until the migration could take place. NOT the answer I wanted to hear.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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5 second wait time for support chat!

Review by: Tony, from Around Chicago
        I recommend this host

I was very surprised to see that they're on their toes when it comes to support questions, at least with billing. They were online and after a couple questions they had the issue resolved.

Overall I have to say I recommend them B+

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Upgrade servers

Review by: Alex, from Albany
        I recommend this host

Just Host is decent, but wish the pages ran a little faster. If they either added more memory or didn't have so many sites on a machine, it would be better for everyone.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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The worst hosting service ever

Review by: Joe, from Colorado
        I don’t recommend this host

This is the worst hosting company ever. I had multiple sites and the server crashed. They restored the site from a backup a few months back. I lost one entire site after weeks of work and it was never backed up. The answer they gave me was that they only use one tape and it's written over everyday. BS because they went back several months for a tape to restore. The answer was a complete lie. I would run away from this company as fast as you can. The servers and application are unreliable and the IT staff do not know what they are doing.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Just Host

Review by: Jill, from Harrisonburg, VA
        I recommend this host

They offer a number of features and fairly fast page speeds. Support could be a little faster, but they get the job done eventually. I'm pretty confident in them, so go for it.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Review of Just Host

Review by: Mitchell, from Pittsburgh, PA
        I recommend this host

There will always be those who you can't please. If you're fairly web savvy this place should be ok. They have really lowered their price lately and have a hot offering. Of course, no host can offer unlimited everything, so be leary of that.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Lawrence T Murray

Review by: Lawrence T. Murray, from www.ltmurray.com
        I don’t recommend this host

Appeared to be a good value until a simple question was posed by first on-line chat and then support ticket. Had asked what version of php was being supported and appeared to be a difficult question to get answered. I did ask for a refund after the support person appeared to be annoyed by my asking the question of what version php was supported. I did ask, and received, a full refund after a three day initial trial. It appears the technical support department might be overworked or I might have caught them at a bust holiday period.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Review by: Sara, from Ill.
        I recommend this host

Solid performer with plenty of account features. Cheap too.

  • Value for Money
  • Reliability & Uptime
  • Customer Courtesy
  • Technical Support
  • Features
  • Storage Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Tech Response Time
  • Ease of Use
  • Server Speed
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Justhost review

Review by: Harry, from Bluefield
        I recommend this host

I'd consider them middle of the road, which the reviews pretty much make apparent. Support is a little slow, so are the servers at times, but nothing to make us want to change to someone else really.
