by Kristine Schwartzman
Choosing the right web host for your business web site is just as important as the site design itself. There are many factors to consider when searching for a web site host. While pricing is often the first consideration, it should by no means be the only one. The least expensive hosting service may very well cost a business more over time in lost sales and expenses.
Whether large or small, businesses should look for the following minimum features from a web host:
1. Email Accounts – Enough email accounts should be included to adequately provide an email address to each company employee who needs one. Generally, both POP (Post Office Protocol) email accounts and web mail should be offered.
2. 99% Uptime – Uptime is the average time the server remains online in a 24 hour period. While no host can guarantee 100% uptime, this percentage should be very high.
3. FTP – FTP stands for “file transfer protocol” and allows direct file transfer to the hosting server. Some of the more inexpensive hosting plans do not offer FTP, but it is a necessary function for business web sites.
A small, brochure-type web site will require different features from a web site host than a larger e-commerce site. Determine the following before choosing a web host and hosting plan:
1. Is the web site coded in a specific programming language such as ASP.NET, PHP or Java? The host must offer hosting in that language for the site to perform properly.
2. How much disk space and bandwidth does the web site require? A small web site with few graphics may require as little as 5MB. Large, e-commerce sites will need much more to function properly.
3. Security should be a high priority with any hosting service. Not only should sensitive data be secure, but periodic file backups should also be done in case of server failure.
4. Determine how difficult it will be to upgrade or downgrade to a different hosting plan should business demands change.
5. Ask how the hosting company handles support issues. Are technical support matters handled through email, a support ticket portal or is there a phone number with 24-hour assistance?
6. One of the best ways to investigate a web hosting company is by visiting the company’s public support forum, if possible. Current customer problems and support staff responses will often be available to read.
7. Sign up for the shortest amount of time when first using a web host. It may cost a little more in the beginning, but it allows for a thorough evaluation of the hosting company and the freedom to move to a different web host after a short period of time, if necessary.
A professional and reliable web host will enhance, not hinder, any business web site. By making it easy to upgrade hosting plans and add features, maintaining at least a 99% uptime average and ensuring that the web site is secure and available to visitors, the right web hosting company can do much to help businesses start and maintain a successful online presence.